Rhodonite jewelry


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Rhodonite jewelry

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Subtlety and simplicity - that’s the maxim that dominates in the jewelry application of rhodonite. Jewelers know perfectly well that with jewelry, less is definitely more. Discover our collection of rhodonite jewelry that you will not pass by indifferently!

Rhodonite - a few words about the most intriguing of all stones

In its symbolism, rhodonite is considered a stone that heals spiritual wounds and helps in making decisions and laying doubts to rest . Rhodonite is also credited with healing and detoxifying powers, relieving inflammation and even promoting fertility.

In jewelry, rhodonite is used as a decorative stone for necklaces, bracelets, and rings . The most desirable specimens include pink and rose-red pieces with characteristic fine veins. Why? Because jewelry with rhodonite additions is intriguing. An example of this is a ring in which rhodonite is accompanied by garnet and a few glass beads - this proposition is bound to spark curiosity in all those who are looking to make an impression with a small accessory.

Unique rhodonite jewelry

All in all, the clash of different jewelry materials with quite distinct nature produces a surprisingly good effect. Stretch bracelets made from natural stones are expressive and at the same time act as a minimalist, graceful accessory. By playing around with fashion, we can create unique compositions. It's best to style it with a few other pieces: three or more tiny rhodonite bracelets will look nonchalant and elegant. Perhaps that’s why rhodonite jewelry matches basically all stylizations. From airy blouses with jeans, through ensembles and suits, to evening dresses.

Subtle natural stone jewelry with the addition of gold and silver is elegant, light, and casual all at the same time. It fits perfectly into the fashion for jewelry inspired by nature, whose fine craftsmanship with attention to the finest detail makes an amazing impression. Rhodonite is a synonym of subtlety and romance , and only these qualities can create effective jewelry with an artistic soul.