Lapis lazuli rings


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Lapis lazuli rings

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It’s hard to imagine a more feminine and at the same time strong and subtle stone than lapis lazuli. Recognized for its aesthetic and esoteric qualities for millennia, lapis lazuli works great in today’s jewelry. It’s one of the most unusual and unique minerals that can be found in bracelets, necklaces, and rings. Here at Selfie Store, we have prepared for you a whole collection of beautiful lapis rings that will make you feel perfect every day.

Lapis lazuli rings - wisdom enchanted in stone

The fragments of pyrite that can be found in lapis lazuli will add to the uniqueness of this mineral: it brings to mind a magically starry, cloudless night sky. Perhaps that’s why it has been called the stone of the gods for centuries, and today we appreciate it for its calming and grounding properties. Thanks to its deep blue hue, lapis lazuli was read by people as a messenger of heaven, and thus identified with the greatest enlightenment. 

On top of that, lapis lazuli is a symbol of striving for perfection and at the same time self-sacrifice, purity of spirit, and peace. In esotericism, lapis lazuli is claimed to be able to soothe the greatest anxiety and bring freedom from stress by battling negative thoughts. It’s supposed to bring wisdom and understanding, allowing you to stay above what is difficult. If you need this stable presence in your life, check out our Lapis Lazuli rings : Drop, Wisdom or Jump.

How to care for your lapis lazuli jewelry?

If you're already a fan of lapis lazuli, a ring is a great solution to keep this mineral close every day. While at it, you have to remember what to do to retain its charm for a long time. Lapis lazuli is a fairly subtle stone which is negatively affected by many elements that we surround ourselves with every day. Be sure to keep it away from heat and chemicals, as well as soap, which makes the stone lose its luster and become dull. Take it off while cooking, doing housework, and before washing your hands. Keep your lapis rings away from hard stones to avoid mechanical damage and scratching. And if you happen to get your lapis lazuli rings dirty by accident, gently wash them with a soft cloth moistened with warm water.